Symbiosis law school Nagpur Maharashtra India Campus

Centre for Environmental Law and Policy

Our Motto


We Have Only One Earth.
Let’s Contribute to Preserve It.


The Centre for Environmental Law and Policy has been established with a VISION of developing capacities and excellence in the field of research in environmental law and policy and to use the rule of law to protect environment and secure sustainable development.


  • To encourage and initiate research focusing on different enviro-legal issues.
  • To collaborate with the different stakeholders, academic and research institutions for research and capacity building in environmental law.
  • Fostering partnership with communities and non-profit organizations for generating awareness.
  • To organize and conduct various theme based activities on environmental protection and sustainable development.
  • To promote environmental education by organizing various training programmes, capsule courses and certificate courses for different stakeholders

Events and Activities Conducted

  • National Competitions Conducted
    SLS Nagpur National Competitions
    • Celebrated the Wildlife Week - October 2020
      SLS Nagpur Wildlife Week celebrations
      SLS Nagpur National Events
    • Celebrated the World Environment Day on June 05, 2021
    • Celebrated the World Nature Conservation Day on July 27, 2021
    • Observed the World Rivers Day on September 27, 2021
    • Conducted the Virtual National Moot Court Competition Along With the Moot Court Association in Collaboration With the Maharashtra State Bidiversity Board [3rd December – 5th December, 2021]

Theme: Conservation of Biological Diversity an Access and Benefit Sharing Mechanism

SLS Nagpur Events celebrations

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